====== Home ====== {{::profile-ceuazul-500x500.jpg?nolink&300 |}}**Associate Professor** in the [[http://www.dcx.ufpb.br|Department of Exact Sciences]] at the [[http://www.ufpb.br|Federal University of ParaĆ­ba (UFPB)]], Brazil - since 2014. Founder and coordinator of [[http://ayty.org|AYTY]] - Applied Software Engineering Lab, where we conduct research, training, and develop solutions through active collaboration with the market. In recent years, I have supported companies in digital transformation processes, business process improvement, and software development process enhancement. I have led various projects involving companies, generating research opportunities and training for over 170 students. My research areas include investigating how IT decisions can be improved through a business perspective. All activities are directly or indirectly applied in collaboration with companies and society at large. Among my hobbies, I enjoy cycling, savoring a good coffee, and playing board games with family and friends. I am also passionate about science in general. Teaching is a lifelong passion I have practiced for over 25 years. Feel free to [[contact|reach out]] if I can assist you in any way. * [[http://ayty.org|AYTY - Research Lab @ UFPB]] * [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=d-7Nrs0AAAAJ|My Profile @ Google Scholar]] * [[http://lattes.cnpq.br/4221517374410995|Lattes Curriculum]] * [[https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7829-9768|ORCID]] * [[https://dblp.org/pid/223/4279.html|DBLP]] * [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rodrigo-Reboucas-De-Almeida|ResearchGate]] * **Email**: rodrigor (at) dcx.ufpb.br ===== Teaching and Research Interests ===== * Technical Debt Management * Business Process Management * Software Engineering * Software Evolution * Programming * Software Design ===== Modern Board Games ===== My hobby is playing and collecting modern board games. In my free time, I enjoy playing with friends and family. Here is the list of the latest games I played (source: [[http://boardgamegeek.com|BoardGameGeek.com]]): ~~NOTOC~~